
Mijn Initialen - Bedenkingen van en over mezelf, over business, over het webgebeuren, over social media, over alles rondom mij

26 november 2005

Google Analytics: Service Announcement

Ik zal wel niet de enige zijn die de onderstaande boodschap toegestuurd heeft gekregen. Op dit ogenblik krijg ik in Google Analytics de gegevens tot en met woensdag 23/11 te zien.

Hello Google Analytics User,

This is a quick update to address some issues you may be seeing in your Google Analytics account and what we're doing to respond.

First, due to extremely high demand, we've temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. This allows us to focus on our primary objective--to provide a great user experience for our existing users.
Next, here is current information on the most common questions we're receiving:

1. The 'Check Status' button is being reworked to check for properly installed tracking code. This should be fixed by the end of November.

2. The '+Add Profile' link has been temporarily removed until we increase capacity. We'll alert all current users when the feature is restored.

3. While we increase capacity, you may see longer than normal delays in data showing up in your reports. All data continues to be collected and no data has been lost.

For additional help with your Google Analytics account, we encourage you to browse or search our online Help Center at http://www.google.com/support/analytics?hl=en.

Thanks for your patience as we improve Google Analytics and add resources to ensure a high-quality service.


The Google Analytics Team


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