
Mijn Initialen - Bedenkingen van en over mezelf, over business, over het webgebeuren, over social media, over alles rondom mij

08 november 2006


The EuroBlog2007 survey into the impact of social media on Public Relations practice in Europe has started. If you are a European practitioner please complete the questionnaire at www.euroblog2007.org/survey (it will take about ten minutes) and please do all you can to encourage colleagues to do so, too. Clearly, the more people who respond the more useful the results will be.

EuroBlog is a research initiative by Euprera. Euprera is an autonomous organisation that aims at stimulating and promoting knowledge and practice within academic staff, researchers and practitioners. Most professors working in public relations on an international scale are engaged in Euprera, whose conferences and publications are the main platforms for advancing the body of knowledge of the profession.

The results from the Euroblog2006 survey, the first pan-European survey to provide a comprehensive overview how communication professionals are using weblogs and for what purpose, are available at www.euroblog2006.org/results/survey_results.html.

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1 Bedenking(en) :
Anonymous Anoniem had op 14 november, 2006 20:07, de volgende bedenking ...

Hey Bruno. Heb ff rondgesnuffeld op je blog en zag zeker en vast leuke weetjes.
Maar 'k heb een vraagje: bij deze post viel het me op dat je in het Engels post. Jammer dat je niet de moeite gedaan hebt voor de vertaling. Had je tijd tekort? Waarom dan geen korte intro in het NL en dan doorlinken...?



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