FusionMex - Dela Quist "Branding and the unexpected impact of e-mail marketing"
De keynote van Dela Quist op het Fusion Marketing Experience event aan de hand van 40 Twitter messages, 2 foto's en 1 Slideshare presentatie.
- Dela on stage. Curious about his speech. (@Kvanbeeck)
- Next speaker: Dela Quist: Branding and the unexpected impact of e-mail marketing (@Tinyilse)
- unluck potential of your brand via e mail! (@RGerets)
- So, email is not dead? (@mcbrando)
- Q? To much email ..... YES is the audience answer (@MarketCapNews)
- no one at #fusionmex has ever sent spam #amazing (@BVLG)
- RT @RGerets: unlock potential of your brand via e mail! [yes! Email lives!] (@treypennington)
- Email marketing is simple: Don't be stupid (@treypennington)
- Easier to be stupid with email marketing in USA than Europe (@treypennington)
- again something many don't realize here in Europe: the numbers in the US are VERY MUCH bigger (@basvandenbeld)
- so, as long there is an unsubscribe link, you can send as much email as you like, right ? (@YentoHQ)
- Email is you send your people your website. (@Kvanbeeck)
- Email is sending your website to your list, when how en how often you want it. (@jvanrijn)

- Never pay Google or Facebook or an affiliate for the same name twice (@maciej_ossowski)
- Email is probably the cheapest way to bring people to your site (@ibert)
- direct communication is the best to sell your product (@ElCools)
- Dela is defending the relevance of email no innovation though (@mcbrando)
- send less but more relevant e-mail (@ElCools)
- Be carefull with being relevant with e-mailmarketing. You will narrow it down... (@dbintein)
- e-mailing: relevance, timing, triggered and behavioural targeting (@ElCools)
- If you try to be relevant you will fail: add value and your email (marketing) will succeed. (@GJ_Schoppert)
- Email like social media must add value to be effective (@micadam)
- Start sending more emails. Stop looking at percentages, start thinking numbers. (@Kvanbeeck)
- First Q of 2010 email volume in UK up from 800 million to 1,7 billion. Opens/clicks stayed same, but 14% more visits to websites (@remybergsma)
- how to use e-mail when figures show that teenagers are just using their mailaccount to create their SM acconts? (@ElCools)
- Emailmarketing: don't be scared by percentages...look at actual numbers(clickrates/open rates). #forgetpercentages (@GJ_Schoppert)
- @Delaquist is for sure differentiating from 99% of other email guru - more is not bad, less is not good (@Jeroen_Bouserie)

- Consumers are fed up because of too much email and who sends it? Spammers...not you! @dealquist (@chrisgomedia)
- Sending time is irrelevant. If the #email contains a value, recipients will find it anyways #emailmarketing (@maciej_ossowski)
- use segmentation and targeting to make your public tolerate more e-mail (@ElCools)
- Use segmentation and targeting to have your customers tolerate more emails. (@Kvanbeeck)
- #emailmarketing is certain email marketing is still the cheapest way to get leads, b2b or b2c even in crisis time #in (@EricEVGEurope)
- subscribe to email program doesn't mean i do have to love your brand every second (@RGerets)
- send more emails, your open rates will drop, your clickrate might drop but you will probably sell more cc@incrociate (@mohow)
- The kind of guy that would sell ice to eskimo's (@mreyserhove)
- So the key metric of emailmarketing is cumulative unique open rate right? (@ibert)
- What's in your email subject line that drives sales without people having to open the emails #amazon (@mreyserhove)
- Reputation is oversold wham bam at #fusionmex (@mreyserhove)
- Interesting email tip: use subject line to convey action point. (@micadam)
- Reputation is very much overestimated is very much in contrast with the death by a thousand cuts of #collo (@TheReference)
- Use #emaimarketing to build brand, not just DR. Me:get the Sell-Inform-Entertain balance right http://ow.ly/4kveR (@davechaffey)
En dit is de Slideshare versie van de presentatie.
Zie ook de andere keynotes :
Olivier Blanchard "Social Media Marketing: producing results"
Richard Sedley "Exploring Multi Channel Customer Experience and Engagement"
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