FusionMex - Olivier Blanchard "Social Media Marketing: producing results"
De keynote van Olivier Blanchard op het Fusion Marketing Experience event aan de hand van 50 Twitter messages, 5 foto's en 1 Slideshare presentatie.
- 'Social is not just a marketing tool' (@MickGriffin)
- 4 Core Social Disciplines. Strategy, Operations, Management, Analysis. (@MickGriffin)
- not possible to have only 1 SM expert, you need 4 types of people (@ElCools)
- @thebrandbuilder is explaining how businesses often ask the wrong questions with regard to social media. Great start to #fusionmex (@Chris_Hall1)
- Social Media is not just a marketing channel, so don't treat it like one (@maciej_ossowski)
- The neverending discussion: who should run social media campaign in the company (@Tinyilse)
- 'Think beyond the now' #SocialMedia (@MickGriffin)
- Engagement is such a bad buzzword now (@Tinyilse)
- Acquisition is just the beginning. Don't stop at the Likes/Follows/Clicks (@MickGriffin)
- Don't park social media in the marketing garage (@treypennington)

- 'Use social media to be more useful than the other guy' #socialmedia (@MickGriffin)
- Lesson #3: don't overthink social media. Very true. (@dbintein)
- use SM to learn as much as possible. No passif search is needed if you listen and participate (@ElCools)
- Social media is not that complicate. 1-use social media to learn more faster 2-help, be useful 3-repeat repeat #socialmedia (@EricEVGEurope)
- Use social media as a differentiator (@TheReference)
- Lesson #3 on social media: he who creates the most refreshing value wins #classics (@Tinyilse)
- Building a facebook fan page isn't enough. Now you own it and are responsible for the communication channel. (@MickGriffin)
- Talking about Facebook as THE brand killer (@MarketCapNews)
- Creating a page and taking the punches is better than not being there. Now you can canalize it and turn it around (@TheReference)
- How not to do facebook #Wachovia. (@MickGriffin)

- if you create SM pages such as Twitter, FB, you need to entertain, communicate, listen and respond (@ElCools)
- Search on Twitter is as powerfull as Google (@ElCools)
- Do not just put on the social media gas mask (@micadam)
- engage through SM with your public/customers (@ElCools)
- You can't BUY the good stuff on social media (@treypennington)
- social media is a visible extension of who you are as a company. It is both a microphone and a mirror (@Tinyilse)
- You can FAKE being nice, but you can't keep it up forever (@treypennington)
- You are always only one asshole away from losing your best customers (@maciej_ossowski)
- Is your social media endeavor a steam powered airplane? asks @thebrandbuilder (@treypennington)
- How quickly your social media plan can fall apart 'Nestle Example' (@MickGriffin)

- Social media does not erase business goals (@chrisgomedia)
- Sm needs to contribute to the biz strategy (@micadam)
- Great and logical question to ask ourselves first: what are our objectives? (@mohow)
- Goals are not targets - Love this! (@chrisgomedia)
- SocMedia strategy as startingpoint, makes sense (@MarketCapNews)
- Social media program mapping is necessary to see how it will fit in organization. Makes it clear who does what (@remybergsma)
- Nice! If you dont like piramids, just put them next to each other or on a wheel :) (@jvanrijn)
- THE Social Business Function wheel http://t.co/ilGOFie (@ElCools)
- adaptibility and flexibility are the most important assets someone has to have to be good in SM (@ElCools)
- Marketing 007. We need a licence to kill traditional marketing (@MarketCapNews)

- There is no cookie cutter solution for social media (@micadam)
- Use social media for your customer support! (@Kvanbeeck)
- If you are not using social to be a better company, you are not using it right. #social strategy goal #1. (@MickGriffin)
- Our credo it's not a website, it's your business also goes for social. Be(come) a better company. (@TheReference)
- If you aren't using social media to become a better company you aren't using it right (@EricEVGEurope)
- people need to be social to be good in SM. There has to be a fit (@ElCools)
- Thats a one not many realize: you don't need followers, you need customers (@basvandenbeld)
- The social media for B2B versus B2C question: a matter of less scale and more depth (@mreyserhove)
- adjust your expectations in using SM for B2B (@ElCools)
- B2b social media is easier than b2c: more depth instead of truckload of followers, more data on clients (@remybergsma)

En dit is de Slideshare versie van de presentatie.
Zie ook de andere keynotes :
Dela Quist "Branding and the unexpected impact of e-mail marketing"
Richard Sedley "Exploring Multi Channel Customer Experience and Engagement"
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